sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

Settings Priorities


 Top 10 things to know when budgeting your money and setting financial priorities:

1. Narrow your objectives.
2. Focus first on the goals that matter.
3. Be prepared for conflicts.
4. Put time on your side.
5. Choose carefully.
6. Include family members
7. Start now
8. Sweat the big stuff.
9. Don't sweat the small stuff.
10. Be prepared for change.

Let's talk about that for me are the most important.

1. Narrow your objectives.
Most important is to identify the objectives clearly. As?
decide which are the most important, because by concentrating their efforts on one or two objectives, you have a better chance of achieving what matters most.

The most important
 4. Put time on your side.

 Time is the best partner to meet our goal. The more time we have, the better chance you have of success. Your age is an important factor - younger people (who have more time to build your nest egg) can invest differently than older ones.

  6. Include family members.
If you have a spouse or significant other, make sure that person is part of the goal-setting process. Children, too, should have some say in goals that affect them.

9. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Most of life is lived in the here-and-now and most of what you spend will continue to be for daily expenses - including many that are simply for fun. That's OK - so long as your long-range needs are taken into consideration.

"Your needs and desires will change as you age, so you should probably reexamine your priorities at least every five years"

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